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Useful Resources

Wecometo Hodgson Sports Massage in Exeter resource page, our intention for this page in to provide usful information and ideas to aid recovery and maintence for our clients in addition to our hands on massage therapy. Very often combining some adidtional conditioning work alongisde regular sports and deep tissue massage can be very benificial for most people.

Please note this page is 'working progress' and we are seeking to constantly update with more content, so please do come back regularly for even more info!


▷Video: 3 Simple Stretches Upper to Mid-Back (Thoracic Spine) - If you get past all the waffle in this video these are 3 very good stretches!

▷Video: Back Mobility Exercises - A simple set of back mobility exercises, which are great for distance runners but also very effective for general everyday maintence

▷Video: 5 Best Sciatica Stretches for Quick Pain Relief - 5 example stretches that can help with Sciatica and also general back health.

Sacroiliac (SI) Joint:

▷Video: 3 SI Joint Stretches For Proper Sacroiliac Motion - example of 3 mobilisation excercises for the SI Joint

▷Info: 6 Valuable Exercises You Need to Prevent Sacroiliac Joint Pain - An intresting blog giving an insight into tht SI joint and associated pain along with 6 key exercises than can help mobiles and reduce pain

▷Video: 3 Drills to Relieve SI Joint Pain - some good basic exercise movements to help relieve and maintain SI joint


▷Info: Rotator Cuff Exercises - Some exercises that can help to rehab from an injury or that can be used as an injury prevention tool.

▷Video: 3 Exercises to Improve Your Shoulder Mobility - Some ideas om mobility excercises for the shoulders

▷Video: SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT: 8 Exercises and Strategies to Treat it For Good - Exercises and general strategies if you are suffering with a shoulder niggle

▷Video: Neck tightness from running - Ideas to avoid neck tightness from running.


▷Video: How to Engage Your Glutes for Running - Some interesting tips on how to engage your gluets for running

▷Video: A range of body weight Gluet activations - 19 Gluet activation exercises that can been done simply at home or in the gym, activations like this are a great way of getting your Glutes firing an working more efficiently


▷Video: Knee Strengthening Exetercises for Runners - What is runneres knee and how can I avoid it


▷Video: What Makes Your Calves Sore While Running? - Calf pain/soreness is really common for runners, this video give some guidence on what is general soreness and what is more serious issue. The overiding theme in the video is...patience

Iliotibial Band (ITB)

▷Video: Iliotibial Band Syndrome Exercises for Runners - 3 exercises for runners who are struggling with ITB issues.

Strength & Conditioning:

▷Video: What Exactly is Foam Rolling and Why Should I Roll? - Reasons why it's good to be friends with your foam roller

▷Video: How to Use a Foam Roller for Recovery - A range of foam roller manoeuvres to help with recovery

▷Video: Foam Rolling Basics For Runners - Intro to the benifits of foam rollering

▷Video: Resistance Band Exercises - 5 resistance band exercises - resistance bands are a fantatistic bit of kit that are great for using at home when you have a spare 5-10minutes, so there is no excuse for fitting in some strength and conditioning work!

▷Video: Key Exercises that keep some of the world's best runners healthy - See some exercises designed specificially forthe demands of endurance running.


▷Video: Pre-run activation drills Some great simple activations drills that anybody can fit in before starting a run, to help make you feel better!

▷Video: Top 4 Exercises for Hips & Glutes Specific running related excercises for your hips and glutes

▷Video: Strength And Conditioning Exercises For Runners To Help You Avoid Injury 4 good functional running specific exercises

▷Video: Top Core Strengthening Exercises For Runners 3 key exercises specific to the demands of running

▷Video: Eliud Kipchoge's Core Strength Workout Eliud Kipchoge's core strength workout is fit for a champion... It's also ideal for any runner who wants to build core strength for running!

▷Video: Proper Warm Up for running by McMillan Running

▷Video: Ethiopia - How to warmup before running - some interesting ideas of dynamic warm ups from some the worlds best runners!

▷Video: Mo Farah's Core Work Out

▷Video: Running specific Kettle Bell excercise - nice dynamic excercise demonstrated by international marathon runner.

▷Video: Dynamic Flexability

▷Video: Running Drills

▷Video: What Is VO2 Max And How Can You Increase It? - You may have heard the term "Vo2 Max" but what does it mean and more importantly what can you do to effect it.

▷Video: Dynamioc Warm Up Ideas for Runners - A good warm up is all about getting ready for the activiy you are about to perform. Therefore focused dynamic exercises are a great element for a good warm warm up, especially if you are about to undertake a hard/quality training session.

▷Video: Runners Specific Core Workout

▷Video: 20min Runners Pilates Workout

▷Video: Introduction to Drills - These drills are designed to improve running efficiency.

▷Video: Speed Training - Resistance Band Exercises for Sprinters & Runners - Strength Training for Runners

▷Video: Watch Runners Warm Up

Work or Home Exercises:

Runners Home Circuit Routines - A range of circuits that can be done at home, there only peice of equipment you need is a chair

Desk stretches to ease aches and pains - Some many of us are stuck behind a desk at a computer for long periods, here are some stretches you can use while at your desk to look after yourself.

Dynamic Movement Routine - Nice little circuit to stretch you out!


▷Video: The best sleeping position for back pain, neck pain, and sciatica - Some interesting information and ideas on your sleeping position and how being in a better postion can help with back and neck pain.


▷Video: Functional Mobility Warm Up - A good 10minute routine to use before a training session, or as maintainence in-between sessions.

▷Video: Dynamic Warm Up Routine - A good warm up routine using dynamic movements, could also be used as maintainence in-between sessions.

▷Video: Movement Prep - Some good examples of dynamic movements to get you ready for exercise or to help maintain mobility.

Running Shoes:

▷Video: Running Shoe Q&A - A very good (virtual) Q&A from the national running show, covering running shoes and what to look for when choosing a pair, that are right for you - an individual! .

▷Video: The Evolution of Carbon Plated Running Shoes - A good overview of the development of Carbon Plated running shoes, which are currently the hot product for runners seeking faster race times.

Runners Support Services

Shaun Antell

"Mark offered a great professional service, helping me out at short notice. His pre race massage helped me achieve a personal best at the Reading Half Marathon"

Shaun Antell, Elite Runner

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